La Grande Epoque - Le spectacle de Shen Yun à Hong-Kong annulé en raison d’un refus de visas

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Les organisateurs du spectacle de Shen Yun à Hong Kong ont tenu une conférence de presse le 23 janvier, protestant ce qu'ils condisèrent comme la soumission des autorités de Hong Kong à la pression politique de Pékin (Li Ming/The Epoch Times)

HONG KONG—Les représentations de Shen Yun à Hong Kong seront annulées cette année, ont annoncé les organisateurs locaux à midi le 23 janvier, citant le refus des autorités de Hong Kong de donner des visas à six membres clés de la production.

Des personnalités publiques de Hong Kong ont critiqué la décision, déclarant qu'elle était le résultat de la pression politique de Pékin. Les artistes de Shen Yun incluent des pratiquants de Falun Gong, une pratique spirituelle interdite et persécutée en Chine, et ses représentations incluent des danses montrant des citoyens chinois se levant pour la fin de la persécution en Chine.

Six jours avant le début du spectacle, programmé le 27 janvier, les services de l'immigration de Hong Kong ont informé la compagnie que sept personnes de la production se verraient refuser l'entrée, disant qu'elle pouvaient être remplacées par des machinistes locaux de Hong Kong. Plus tard, a finalement obtenu un un visa après des demandes répétées de réévaluation du présentateur.

Six days before the show’s debut, scheduled on Jan. 27, Hong Kong’s Immigration Department informed the company that seven production staff would be denied entry, saying they could be replaced by Hong Kong local workers. Later, one of the staff members was granted entry after the presenter made repeated entreaties for a reevaluation.ô

Kan Hung Cheung, un porte parole pour les organisateurs, a fait remarquer que quatre des six personnels de la production jouaient des rôles irremplaçables, y compris les éclairages, les effets sonores, la toile de fond technique. Leurs rôles étaient spécifiés dans la demande de visa, a-t-il dit.

Kan Hung Cheung, a spokesperson for the organizers, remarked that four of the six production staff played irreplaceable roles in the performance, including lighting, sound effects, technical backdrop. Their roles were specified in the visa application, he said.

"Une équipe au complet est essentielle pour n'importe quel groupe d'arts du spectacle. Cela relève du bon sens," a dit M. Cheung. "Il est manifeste que le Département de l'immigration a refusé leur entrée parce que Pékin a décidé d'interférer avec le spectacle."

“A complete staff is essential to any performing arts group. This is just common sense,” Mr. Cheung said. “It is obvious that the Immigration Department denied their entry because Beijing wants to interfere with the show.”

Les organisateurs du spectacle, l'Association Falun Dafa de Hong Kong, et les bureaux locaux de New Tang Dynasty Television et The Epoch Times, ont dit que le gouvernement de Hong Kong doit “supporter les conséquences” de la décision. “Malheureusement le gouvernement de Hong Kong a choisi de coopérer avec le Part communiste chinois pour arrêter le spectacle," a dit M. Cheung. "Nous protestons fortement contre cela.”

Hon. Albert Ho Chun-yan, chairman of the Democratic Party (Hong Kong) and legislative council member, condemned Hong Kong authorities for what he believed was their following Beijing’s orders to suppress freedom of expression in Hong Kong. He demanded an explanation for how it would be possible for the show to find replacements in Hong Kong within ten days, but the Immigration Department did not respond.

District Council Members Voice Indignation

Some of the council members in different districts of Hong Kong have already bought Shen Yun tickets and were looking forward to the show, they said.

Hong Kong’s Wong Tai Sin District Council member Chui Pak-Tai condemned the Hong Kong government along the same lines as Albert Ho. “The Hong Kong government is so incompetent,” he said. “They have shamed Hong Kong. Their dirty tricks are just appalling.”

The Democratic Party’s former Sai Kung District council member Lam Wing-Yin said he was concerned over Hong Kong’s independence from China as shown in the apparent political interference in this case.

“China promised that Hong Kong would remain unchanged for 50 years,” he said, referring to the 1997 pact between Britain and China when Hong Kong was returned to Chinese rule, which stipulated that Hong Kong would remain under the British system of governance for 50 years. “Nothing in our life here should have changed, including our freedom, culture and art,” Lam said. “Exactly because of this we can demonstrate that China is making progress and opening up, and Hong Kong can continue to be a unique place in the world.

“But unfortunately over the past decade or so, Hong Kong has suffered too much suppression on political, cultural, and media issues,” he said. “All these will eventually make Hong Kong deteriorate to become one of China’s regular cities.” He said that Hong Kong people expect China to show progress through preserving Hong Kong’s democracy, freedom and human rights.

Senior Journalist Expresses Concern

Well-known senior journalist Ching Cheong said the Hong Kong government’s actions were unfortunate. “Hong Kong has been a place where legal entrance and exits are protected, and we Hong Kong people should cherish such freedom,” said Ching, who was jailed for over three years in China for “revealing state secrets” to Taiwan. “I do not want to see such freedom being interfered with by political forces,” he said.

Mr. Cheong urged Hong Kong citizens to pay attention to the incident.

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